Monday 14 October 2013

Music video research - The Proclaimers remakes

Whilst researching existing music videos, I cam across a variety of versions that students like myself have made.

This video was very simplistic, however unlike other video's I have seen for this song, it experimented with different costumes. It was interesting to see what they did with, this as I am planning to use an array of costumes in a humorous way.

This video is another example of a simplistic idea, with a sense of humour in it. However, they do not lip sync throughout and other than the chorus, the lip sync is not up to scratch,

This video demonstrates Goodwin's theory of amplification, in which the performances matches the meaning of the song. They have taken the lyrics very literally and act out whatever is being said. This is something that I have planned to incorporate into my video but I am not making the whole video literal like they have done, as I found it got a bit monotonous. Also, they reused footage which added to the monotony of the video, this has emphasised to me that I need to film enough footage and even a base layer which they do not seem to have done. By watching this it has confirmed to me what I need to do for my own video.

This video was simple and I think that is it's best quality. Although, having said that, they clearly made a base layer which they used for the chorus. I need to make sure I make a base layer to fill parts of my video to mix it up from the other footage.

By commenting on these videos, it has become clear to me that a humorous video is a common occurrence for this song.

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