Thursday 16 January 2014

Magazine advert feedback

 1.                                  2.

- I prefer three because of the selection of colours and by having the rating stars as green it looks less ''in your face'' than both one and two. -Nicole Spriggs

- I like number three because of the contrast between black and green, it doesn't look to over crowded or to bright. I dislike number 1 as the green is very bright and number 2 because of the gradient at the top. - Nikita Petralia

- I prefer magazine advert '2' as it stands out (eye catching) more because of the colours used. It is laid out neatly and professionally and matches the genre well through the use of bright green colour. It is clear what the album name and artist name is - Magazine advert 3 looks professional however it is colourless and it is hard to identify whether it is a book advert or album advert. - Romina Nejad

- I prefer the 3rd magazine advert because I like the colour scheme and the contrast between the black and green colours. The reason I don't like the 1st magazine advert is because the green writing is not as legible as the black writing. For the 2nd magazine advert I think that the green gradient does not look appealing on it. - George Schena

-I prefer 2 because of its contrast between the colour and the white. It is also eye catching because it caught my attention first.  - Jesal Joshi

- The third advertisement strikes me as the most suitable as opposed to the previous two incarnations as it has a good balance between legibility and simplicity that the others clearly don't exhibit. - Mr James

- I favour the third magazine advert mainly because it is simple and minimal. The green acts as an accent colour which is very nice. It is different to other magazine adverts but this is a good thing! - Lisha Gorasia

- I prefer number 3 as the black font is bold and eye catching. I think number 2 looks really cool but the green highlight at the top of the page distracts from the main image at the bottom, the first ad is also effective but the green writing is easily lost on the white background. - Leon Dominique

After numerous changes and reading the feedback from peers and teachers, I have decided that magazine advert number 3 is to be my final draft. I am happy with the result and think it is more legible and professional without everything written in bright green,  yet the colour scheme is still present.

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